Hi everyone. Me and my friend want to let you know what are happening to the world wide animal known as the shark.This animal is getting extinct due to the sad thisngs we are doing. we are destroying this animal by deliberately trying to murder it, trap it, it getting caught in nets etc. Don't you want your grandchildren to see this magnificent animal? I know some of you think they are monsters but they are truly not! That is what movie makers such as "Jaws" (awesome movie though!)want you to think. I want to make a difference and help save sharks and i think you should join. Let me tell you in the other articles about sharks                        |
Well, lets first talk about these creatures. Sharks aren't as harmful as peoplesay they are. You are more likely to be strucken by lighting or hit by a car than get eaten by a shark. Sharks are just like other normal creatures, they are just blamed for their big teeth and their desire to eat. Shark's brains are the size of a peanut, so they don't know any better of what to eat. If you are boogy boarding, then they might think you are a seal. Those two things have a resemblence in a sharks eyes, since they are nearly blind. But sadly thanks too movie producers and other directors, people are starting too think that sharks are really like that by making these FAKE pictures:   These pictures ARE FAKE but some people think they are real which they are not. Sharks are just animals with huge teeth and a bad reputation.  What some people are doing to sharks. *tear* Some people are doing terrible things to sharks. Some of the usual problems would be the litering of trash, bottles, soda caps, cans, etc. Also some of the fishermen use fish nets that sharks get caught in. they can choke and die with in the net or their dead body would flow off to shore. Here are some pictures:    Also some sharks are used for the fun of killing, eating, and skin care products. Though i dont reccomend this because sharks have mercury, they still eat it. Though they do that, some people don't fully eat it and just leave it there. That's wastes the whole point of killing the shark and is completely useless. Some others just kill sharks for fun or just think they are beasts. Here are some more pictures of how people kill sharks:   Sharks are misunderstood and also misinterpereted. They are normal animals with magestic ways. They are accused for killing in whicj they do by accident not on purpose. They are just great animals with a bad reputation.                (Nothing against Dolphins, i just found this hilarious!! <3) | Now that I have told you somewhat about sharks, I would like like for you to help us. My friend and I have created this website to get your help! If you would like too,you can do everyday things such as not litering and spreading the word about sharks and how they are misunderstood. Or you could raise money to save the sharks. Me, kajol and my friend, lauren, are helping the sharks the best we can but we need your help too. You can raise money to help sharks or support us in our business to help sharks. We do face painting, make bracelets, make snow cones and much more! With your help we can save sharks and get it off the endangered species list!!!!    Sharks are great animals, there are over five-hundred species of them! But only three of them are deadly. The three deadly ones would be: the Bull shark, The great white shark, and the tiger shark. Here are pictures of each:  Great white, #1 deadly shark and the shark that mostly attacks humans.   Bull shark, #2 deadly shark because its one of the many sharks that can go into fresh water to attack.   Tiger Sharks, #3 deadly shark because its known to eat many things such as liscense plates, tires, cheese, etc. (lol i dont think they eat cheese...or do they?!)   Tell us about your shark encounters, personal thoughts, and any cool facts that kajol and lauren did not mention.  If you would like to contact us, go to the sidebar to the left of the screen.          For your information, this is not a TIGER shark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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