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Friday 28 October 2011

World’s Largest Snake


We humans have inborn complex behaviors toward snakes that are not based upon prior experience. These behaviors are called instincts. It is from instincts that were are able to tell a snake is a scaring, slithering and terrifying creature that should be avoided. But within us, there are those that have the courage to find fascination and fondness in snakes.


The world’s largest snake is also the world’s biggest snake but not necessary the world’s longest snake. The world’s largest snake is the green anaconda. The anaconda is to be found in Amazon rain forest of South America. The anaconda like living in river and as such river Amazon is home to most of the anaconda snakes in the world. The anaconda is of a subfamily of non-venomous boas found in Central, South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. The anaconda can grow as long as 8 metres long and as wide as a fully grown man and can weigh as much as 250 kilogrammes. This huge size certainly makes it the largest snake in the world.
The Green Anaconda - World's biggest snake. Can grow as long as 8 metres long and as wide as a fully grown man and weigh 250 kilogrammes.Image Credit: LA Dawson Wikimedia Commons


During mating, several males are known to wrap themselves around one female in an attempt to mate. Nature has it that the fittest male, usually the strongest and largest male, should win and thus get the privilege of mating with the female. But since females are far stronger they can sometimes be biased to this law of nature and decide on herself which male to mate with regardless of the size and strength of the male. The gestation period is seven months and the female anaconda will give birth to young ones – about 20 to 50 litters.

Non Venomous

The anaconda is non venomous but that does not mean it will not feed on you. It will coil itself around you and by using constriction - it will squeeze you thus preventing breathing and raising your body’s pressure two to three times until you die most likely from heart attack.
Great Swimmer
The green anaconda is usually an olive green snake with black spots along the body. Like any other snake, the head is narrow with eyes set high on the head. The snake is a great swimmer and will comfortably work on its prey when in water. The anaconda is also capable of finding its prey on land but is rather slow and sluggish when on land. The diet of anaconda consists mainly of fish, birds, and small mammals like deer, antelopes, rabbit, jaguars, and snakes, reptiles, or anything smaller than itself. When coming from gestation, a female anaconda can sometimes feed on its male counterpart.

Anaconda as a Pet?

The anaconda is a fine snake to keep as a pet. If you think its neat having a snake pet, and you have interest, resources and know-how, then you can go ahead and have anaconda as a pet snake. Good luck.
The longest snake in the world is not anaconda, but the Asian Python reticulates which can grow as long as 10 – 12 metres.

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